Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Why I Like St. Anger

This cover is freggin' gnarly, son.

This is not your grand-mammie's Metallica album -- no -- this is St. Anger. It is angry as shizzy... a very apt album title.

Not a lot of people like St. Anger. Even I can't say that I really like the album. I enjoy it, on occasion, though. It differs from other Metallica albums because it is a more chord-driven album (I think, I'm no musician, but that's how I'll describe it). It doesn't rely on nifty riffs. In fact, there is not one guitar solo on the entire album. It is that raw -- and is surely a different Metallica.

Actually filmed with "lifers" in San Quentin.

This is a badass album to listen to when working out hardXcore, son. It makes your muscles huge, and makes people afraid of you. I like the songs St. Anger, Sweet Amber, and Some Kind of Monster the most.