Friday, April 15, 2011

Funny People

Yeah, so I'm watching that movie Funny People (2009) right now on Blu-ray, and I was inspired to write a post. (Quick aside: Blu-ray is awesome, by the way.) Now, I know that movies are ESedler's domain on this blog, but, whatever, I am the fearless leader.

So, I don't know what Adam Sandler has been up to over the past five years or so, he's been going a more serious route with his movies. He did Click (2005), then Reign Over Me (2006), and way back in 2009 Funny People. So he did a movie about a man who fastforwards his life and misses his children grow up, then a movie about a man who loses his entire family on 9/11, and then he played a man who has a form of leukemia with only an 8% chance of living, and who also hates his life. Happy times, yay!

But putting that all aside, I think he has been doing okay with his movies. None have been really huge blockbusters (although I really enjoyed Reign Over Me), but most of them have been good enough to watch a couple of times (Don't Mess With the Zohan -- not so much).

Reign Over Me tear jerker scene.  :'(
(long scene, but worth it)

I like Funny People too. It has Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, and of course, Adam Sandler. It is mostly about Seth Rogen's character, a young comedian starting out, who ultimately gets to work for his idol, comedy legend George Simmons (who's character, you can tell, is played by and based off of the comedy legend of Adam Sandler, except for the character hating himself, presumably, and the whole leukemia thing).

He tries to get back with his ex --
but she's married to Eric Bana.

Rogen's character finds out that Simmons is dying from a rare form of Leukemia. Sparing you the details, which I really don't care to write out, the movie has to do with people trying to be funny even though the comedy legend hates his life, and has a terminal illness. You should see it, it's a good movie.

The main motivation of this post was actually Aubrey Plaza, who had a role in the movie. Her character agrees to a date with Rogen's character, but ends up banging his roommate beforehand (...bitch).

But yeah, she's not like super hot or anything, so she doesn't really fit in on this blog. But there's something about her awkward-as-shit personality that makes you want to bang that. It's one of those indescribable things, like me never putting a shirt on unless I have deodorized first -- weird, I know, but I never claimed to be normal. Whatever, don't judge me, you're probably ugly anyway. Maybe not, I'm sorry, I love you (especially if you are stacked).

You might also know her from that TV show Parks and Recreation. She's hotter with glasses.