Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Inside a Chick's Head: Issue 2.3

A new month, a new set of questions! So the idea of this column is that I ask chicks topical questions in order to improve the lives of fellow man. This is how it works: I send questions to a chick that I know, they answer anonymously however they want (including a free-style answer at the end where they can say whatever they'd like about anything), I post their answers, and people read them (most likely laughing -- with the guys secretly taking notes).

I will probably be sending out the same questions to 2-3 chicks over the span of one month so the readers can compare answers between the different ladies. Then I'll be sending out a new set of questions for the next month.  It's fun, and interesting.

So here is the sixth neural synapse: Anonymous Chick #6.

1) What kind of job would you like your man to have? How poor is too poor?
Most important is to have a job he actually likes.  Constant bitching is not sexy at all and after a while can really put a strain on a relationship.  If you have a bad day, I of course will listen, but if it is constant, it is too much.  If you hate your job, please attempt to find something you enjoy so that every day is not a bad day. 

2) Most disgusting things guys should just wait to do when you aren't around?
Clipping toe nails -- it’s super gross and I don’t need to witness it.  Also, just because you can, please don’t whip it out and pee in front of me.  There is such a thing as too comfortable. 

3) Most and least romantic things a guy ever did for you, respectively?

Most romantic is probably when a boyfriend hid little notes ALL OVER my bedroom.  I didn’t know he had done this and was finding really sweet and personal notes (not clichĂ©) notes for weeks.  He hid them in places I didn’t look everyday, so I didn’t find them all at once.  It made me happy everytime I found one.
Least romantic would have to be a run-in from college.  I had met this guy through friends and been around him with other people a few times, so we decided to hang out and watch a movie alone one night.  Our movie night of course led to kissing, but immediately after this kissing began he not-so-subtly opened a drawer and pulled out a condom.  This was literally mid-first kiss, during the first time we ever hung out one-on-one.  Absolutely not ok.  He made doing this obvious, as if posing it as a question to me, to which I clearly answered no.  We never hung out again for obvious reasons.  So I suppose the lesson from this story is don’t go into your first interaction with a girl expecting sex, and even if you do, don’t let her know that. 
4) What’s the best way for a guy to deal with an angry drunk girlfriend? (I understand without a context this question may be difficult, but please give it the jolly good try.)

There really is no way to “deal” with an angry drunk girlfriend.  My advice is to not even try.  Do not try to talk about what she is angry about or deal with any underlying issues -- they will not be resolved.  Just humor her and put her to bed, otherwise you will be dealing with her irrational and crazy side for a LONG night.  If either of you is actually angry for a reason other than being ridiculously drunk, that issue will still be there in the morning to deal with rationally. 

5) How sensitive must a guy be?
A guy needs to be somewhat sensitive.  The key word there was somewhat; there is a fine line.  A guy needs to be able to have a real conversation and be the type of person a girl knows she can go to with a problem and he will actually listen.  Also, a guy needs to be able to open up.  Girls like to be able to be there for the guy as well.  However, I can’t handle a guy who wants to talk about feelings and discuss the relationship more than me -- I want to date a man. 

6) How CAN’T a guy ask a girl out (i.e. is it okay to ask a girl out over g-chat/email/text/etc.)?
I think it’s fine to ask a girl out in pretty much anyway now.  Most people talk on gchat/texting more than talking on the phone or even seeing each other in person now.  So these methods seem acceptable, and possibly even preferable because they are more casual than making a phone call solely to ask someone out when you have never called the person to begin with.  Asking someone to go out doesn’t need to be a dramatic gesture, and if it is this would probably freak her out, so keeping it more relaxed is probably a good thing.   

7) Would you date a younger guy? How young?

I would date a younger guy, but being at a young age myself I would not go much younger right now.  At this point in my life I would not date anyone more than one year younger than me -- this means they are graduated from college and likely at a more mature stage in their life.  As I get older I would be more willing to date someone further apart in age, especially when I qualify for cougar status.  I think the most important thing is where he is in his life more than his age.

8) Scenario: It’s your first time having sex with a particular person. Stay conventional and work up, later, to other positions? Or is the first time with someone like an audition... pull out all of the stops?

I think it’s definitely good to try some different positions the first time, especially depending on how the other person is responding.  You want to keep it interesting for her so she comes away from your first time hoping it’s not the last.  That being said, the first time is not the time to fly your freak flag (that is of course unless she is a freak herself, so it works).  But if you are having sex with a girl for the first time who isn’t a virgin, I think you can bet she has tried multiple positions before so she isn’t going to be freaked out if you want to change things up (this is excluding any S&M toys you may have -- should probably wait on those).    

9) Top or bottom (and why)?

Bottom.  It’s incredibly sexy to have a guy take control.  This is clearly a preference thing and I know there are some girls that can’t get off unless they are on top, but I say definitely bottom.   

10) Freestyle. Go!

DO NOT be insecure in bed.  Even if you feel insecure, and I’m sure everyone does at least sometimes, don’t show it.  It’s important to be concerned with what the other person likes/dislikes in bed, and talking about this and making it known that you want to do what pleases them is a good thing.  They want you to do what is going to work for them, so they will likely be honest with you about this.  You don’t need to keep on questioning it.  Do not continuously ask for approval/validation.  It is not sexy.     

Thanks Anonymous Chick # 6.  Key takeaway: Go for the cougars, and break out the S&M toys... they are ready for it.

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