Friday, March 18, 2011

Creedence Clearwater Revival

One of my favorite bands, which I don't talk about very often, is Creedence Clearwater Revival ("CCR"). You'll never see me listening to them unless it's a sunny day and I'm either grilling or by a pool... and in those cases, you'll likely never be around me because I'll have my shirt off (gross!).

They don't have many live-music videos on Youtube, 
but this one isn't too bad.

CCR was popular from the late sixties into the early seventies. They are classified as a "hard rock" band by many, but today I'd probably put them into the "folk rock" category -- same difference, I guess. I always think of them as a less popular Lynyrd Skynyrd, but almost equally as awesome.

CCR put out some great jams, but nothing as epic as Skynyrd's "Free Bird" or "Tuesday's Gone" (or the incredibly popular, and extremely over-played "Sweet Home Alabama"). Still, I love CCR for having some smooth beats. They have really good songs for when you are relaxing, grilling up some hot dogs, drinking some beers, maybe going for a swim... etc. They remind me of summer... and the smell of  delicious beer.

CCR in the 70's. Hairy as shit... Just like
everyone else was in that decade.

One of the only things I don't like about CCR is that they ripped a lot of their songs from old blues singers. One prominent example is a blues singer called Lead Belly. Lead Belly was an African-American blues artist way back in the 1930's. CCR covered his songs "Midnight Special" and "Cotton Fields" (at least).

Huddie William Ledbetter, or "Lead Belly"
c. 1942

CCR wasn't the only band to cover Lead Belly. Nirvana did the same thing with "their" song "Where Did You  Sleep Last Night?" See It is difficult to know how many of these great songs were actually written by Lead Belly himself. He grew up in southern Louisiana and Texas, learning delta folk and blues music when he was very young, carrying some of it through to his modestly successful music career.

In the last analysis, CCR's use of Lead Belly's music doesn't ruin their appeal to me. I still like the music a lot. I just really enjoy music which is written and performed by the same band... it seems more personal to me. I don't know, maybe it's just me. I hope you enjoyed learning about CCR, they are one of my long-time favorites.

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