Friday, February 4, 2011

Lael Neale

Lael. Hebrew in origin, meaning belonging to God.
Neale. Gaelic origin, meaning the champion.

I'm not a liar. I don't listen to Lael Neale much, but she intrigues me. I can't seem to pinpoint why.

Simple Down

Maybe it's the piano, or the acoustic. Maybe it's the simple elegance of the composition. The music is listenable, relaxing and contemplative. Her voice is smooth like vanilla, if it were to speak. 

I'm also a fan of the folksy style she has. She doesn't seem like she's trying to impress anyone, and I think that adds to the quality of the music. It just feels real, which is a quality that is in short supply in this 21st Century Schizoid... Century...

And as this blog is mainly about music and chicks, I will now comment on her physical appearance (because, as we all know, music is half music and half looks) (huh?).

I can tell you, as an expert in these matters, that she is quite attractive. It looks like she might be trying to revive the late 60's, which isn't really my thing. But at the same time she is also modern, and I like that -- it shows that she has character. (hey, I'm trying to revive the 80's -- we all have our idiosyncrasies).

Her music passes the test, and so do her looks. Two-part test satisfied. Affirmed.