Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Infatuation of the Week: Alex Morgan

The excitement of the Women's World Cup has died down a little over the past two weeks, but my infatuation with Alex Morgan isn't over yet... not until say Thursday or Friday of this week... probably.

She is the young forward on the United States Women's National Team, blitzing by defenders with her long strides, often putting the ball in the back of the net.  Recently graduated from UC Berkeley, she currently plays in the Women's Professional Soccer League for Western New York Flash.

She's superstitious -- she always puts her left cleat on first. She loves cats (now my favorite animal).  She likes Kings of Leon (now my favorite band).  She likes strawberries and mangoes (now my favorite foods).

She could probably kick some serious ass in a bar fight, while being totally graceful.

She likes to fist pump after scoring a goal. Seriously. (1:15)


Pretty much awesome.  Good face, fist pumping, in wicked good shape, gracefully kicks ass in bar fights, doing something very awesome with her life -- can't be much more attractive as a person.

Gotta love the internet.
